Military Appreciation Months - In 1999, John McCain introduced a bill officially designating May as Military Appreciation Month. Soon after, Congress agreed and passed the resolution.

The purpose of designating the entire month as National Military Appreciation Month is to remind Americans of the service and sacrifices made by all of our service members, past and present. During the month, military units and departments around the world are encouraged to organize or participate in community events that highlight the military effort, as well as thank civilians for their support.

Military Appreciation Months

Military Appreciation Months

May seemed like the perfect month to formally honor our servicemen and women, as many designated military appreciation days are already 1-31. May Here's a look at each day of recognition during this year's Military Appreciation Month.

When Is Military Appreciation Month? Why Do We Celebrate It?

Loyalty Day was adopted in 1958, although it has been celebrated unofficially for more than three decades. On this day, the President of the United States issues an official proclamation recognizing our nation's heroes, and many states celebrate Loyalty Day.

This week is dedicated to honoring public officials at the federal, state, county and local levels.

Military spouses are often overlooked because of the sacrifices they make for our country. To honor these remarkable men and women, President Reagan declared the Friday before Mother's Day each year as Military Spouse Appreciation Day.

This day marks the official surrender of Germany to the Allies in 1945, ending World War II.

Why You Should Join Us For Military Appreciation Month This May

This day gives thanks for the tremendous sacrifice that the parents of more than 20,000 American children have made while serving our country.

US Army Day has been celebrated on the third Saturday in May since 1950.

The only federal holiday on our list and perhaps the most popular military memorial day, Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday in May. Memorial Day is the culmination of National Military Appreciation Month 2021, which falls on the last day of the month, May 31.

Military Appreciation Months

13 Historic US Forts to Visit in the West Instagram Influencers Military - The Best IG Accounts Based on the Military... National Military Appreciation Month (NMAM) is celebrated every year in May and encourages US citizens to celebrate this month as a symbol of unity is an announcement. NMAM honors current and former members of the United States Armed Forces, including those who died in the pursuit of freedom. The month of May is marked by six national holidays that highlight the contributions of those who have served. Show your support on social media with #MilitaryAppreciationMonth.

Military Appreciation Month Offers

About: Loyalty Day kicks off our nation's month-long military appreciation holiday. It is a day set aside to reaffirm loyalty to the United States of America and to reflect on our proud heritage of American freedom.

About: A time to honor the men and women who serve our country as federal, state, county and local government employees and to ensure our government is the best in the world.

About: May 8, 1945, the day Germans across Europe unconditionally surrendered to the Allies. This day marked the end of World War II in Europe.

About: A day to honor military spouses with appropriate ceremonies and activities. He recognizes that military families play an important role in ensuring the strength of our armed forces and the security of our country.

May Is Military Appreciation Month

About: A unique holiday where citizens come together to thank our military for their patriotic service in support of our country. This day honors all who have served in the branches of the United States military; Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, Space Force. There's also Army Week, which usually leads up to Armed Forces Day, although it's not an official holiday, with many events planned throughout the week.

About: Commemorating our veterans. Let's remember the men and women who have died in military service. All Americans, wherever they are, are encouraged to stop for a moment of silence at 3:00 p.m. local time.

About: Honoring the more than five million caregivers in the United States and honoring the people who care for more than two million veterans.

Military Appreciation Months

About: Honoring Silver Star Medal recipients and commemorating the sacrifices of our wounded and sick veterans.

Honor Those Who Served During Military Appreciation Month

About: In response to unprecedented need, May 3 will be a global day of charity and unity. Some ideas for Giving Tuesday

Help support a veteran small business by purchasing goods or services, purchasing a gift card, or writing an online review.

About: The day is nondenominational/denominational, meaning that Western religions such as Judaism, American Christianity, and other familiar religions are represented along with non-Western traditions such as Wicca, Unitarian Universalism, and Buddhism (cont. based on) can be expressed. Islam and others. No particular faith should be superior to another.

About: Honoring and raising awareness of the sacrifices and struggles children of Fall patriots must go through after the death of their parents.

Inspiring Graphics To Share For Military Appreciation Month

NMAM started as a simple idea; Gathering America around their military families to honor, remember, recognize and appreciate those who have served and are serving, and to learn the history behind it all. The month of May was chosen because it already has several days set aside to recognize the achievements of the US military.

In 1999, the late Senator John McCain introduced official legislation designating May as National Military Appreciation Month. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives have passed resolutions urging Americans to recognize and honor the U.S. military during NMAM. These resolutions also call on the President to issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to adhere to the NMAM.

Most military commemorations have become three-day weekends that ignore their original purpose, which is to remind Americans of the sacrifices and history the nation has been privileged to participate in since its birth. During the month of May, the military is encouraged to raise public awareness and support local efforts to show community support and appreciation and military family appreciation.

Military Appreciation Months

Share, like, comment, post and repost on social media to highlight NMAM events and happenings

National Military Appreciation Month In Usa In 2023

Do you see someone in military uniform or know a veteran? Thank them for their service, or surprise them with coffee, dessert, or a drink if they're with you

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